Thursday, January 22, 2009

Gotta Start Somewhere

Let's just put this all out on the table shall we. It would be "important" or "helpful" to you, the reader, to know a little about my current state. Why? Because it has become the catalyst, the flame to the kindling as it may, compelling me to indulge myself by generating this blog and airing my synapse droppings for your enjoyment, reverence, and, god willing, laughter.

I am unemployed, a statistic in these times. This means I have more time to think about things occurring around me and I have TIME to organize thoughts for sharing. I am not happy about being jobless but everyday that goes by, I get more and more used to the fact that I am not working and that is scary. The mortgage industry was my career for about four years, we all know how that is going. It wasn't always bad of course. I made more money then I knew what to do with. I bought a house and have been here almost four years. The money was spoiling. I can't seem to find a job that will support the income I need to even have some semblance of a social life. If only this were the only aspect of my current state.

Being on the look out for jobs has made my laptop an honorary appendage. I have a few distractions while on the hunt. I log onto MySpace more, look at my checking account neurotically, and I am admittedly a google addict. I will google anything and everything, it is even my spell check when i am too lazy. The most destructive distraction is by far MySpace, a place for petty bullshit and games among friends and of course friends.

On Myspace, you can write, direct, and star in your own soap opera. Just looking at profiles you know the conversations that occur between people, who they are friends with, what they are thinking at all times, how they rank the people in their life and much much more! Now you know I have time to organize my suppositions and intentions of the actions unfolding through this, originally, harmless "place for friends." Rest assured there will be plenty of lids being blown off of things that I am sure anyone using the site has experienced or known someone who has.

Remember when I said I have a house and no job, OK good still with me. I have taken on some roommates to help keep my house and finances afloat. To be in a situation is a blessing and a curse. As independent as I felt when buying the house I find myself at the mercy of a roommate so I can meet the ends. Roommates can be really great. They can also be so opposite from great that it would never be in Tony the Tiger's vernacular (spelt correctly according to Google). So, I find myself with a roommate that I grow to disdain every morning I wake up without a purpose and a penny. We are stuck together as a result of financial necessity in part because he could not afford to live anywhere with what I am charging. This roommate also happens to be my cousin, ooh the plot thickens. I have decided to keep a log of the stupid shit that he does on a regular basis. I want to conduct an experiment to see if the things that I encounter, on a daily basis, would also be annoying to you, a complete stranger.

There are plenty of things which I am grateful for. I have a loving boyfriend, wonderful family, great friends, and my health as far as I know. The truth is, if I had health insurance I would probably talk these issues out with a therapist. I observe so many things around me and find myself in all sorts of pickles. I am sick of googling social issues I face in hopes someone already wrote about it somewhere and a myriad of advice and validation awaits. NO MORE! This is my validation, my social commentary, and my raw observation. I hope that we can all learn something from the topics I present here and take away a positive spin on the err of human.